现在将战米日历直接共享给了zhanmi里的所有成员,使用自己的gmail登录http://www.google.com/calendar/ 就可以访问和修改战米日历了。
更新一下电话, 今天我刚打的. 0153820951
1. 登陆你的gmail,然后点击最上边一行的calendar,然后你看见一本叫zhanmi的日历。
2. 在战米日历的下拉选单里选“notification”,然后点击“set up your mobile phone to receive”
3. 填写国家和号码,点击send verification code。然后你会收到短信,里面有verification code。要等几分钟。
4. 填写verification code,点击finish setup,然后点save。
5. 点下拉选单 再次进入notification,点add a reminder。第一个下拉选单选sms;第二个选1day,或者别的你认为合理的时间。
6. 然后把下边的sms的四个框都打钩。最后save。
Out of Africa is a memoir by Isak Dinesen, a nom de plume used by the Danish author Baroness Karen von Blixen-Finecke. The book, first published in 1937, recounts events of the seventeen years when Blixen made her home in Kenya, then British East Africa. The book is a lyrical meditation on Blixen’s life on her coffee plantation, as well as a tribute to some of the people who touched her life there. It is also a vivid snapshot of African colonial life in the last decades of the British Empire. Blixen wrote the book in English and then translated it into Danish.
For more info:
点击网页最下面的 edit 就可以了。
不行,界面还成,但是Safari不能正确显示所有的frame,Gecko在Mac os里面对中文支持很差,完全没法看。你可以在windows下面用ff试试看能不能行。
does this works on your Mac?
You are right. It is an elegant way for those who use google mail.
Sorry my mac still has some problem dealing with Chinese typing, so forgive me for using English here.
Once you follow the above instruction you would find it troublesome to logout and login in order to edit it. Actually there's a better way:
1. login as "cestpasgrave" as described above
2. open the trombi
3. click "share" tab on the upper right corner
4. invite yourself (your own gmail account) as collaborator by entering your gmail address in the textbox and click "Invite Collaborators"
5. login with your own id and you'll find trombi in your file list
hide the link; please advis your admin
使用用户名 cestpasgrave登陆 密码请咨询管理员(mailto: moc.liamg|evargsaptsec#moc.liamg|evargsaptsec ),然后就可以修改或者导出。
If you want to modify the spreadsheet, please go to http://sheet.zoho.com .
Log in with username "cestpasgrave" and for password, please advise the administrator(email to: moc.liamg|evargsaptsec#moc.liamg|evargsaptsec ).
还境还好 菜就那样 没什么特点 服务员很爱耍贫嘴 感觉性价比一般
8 5 21 6
2 4 10 24
3 4 8 25
将你的gmail地址告诉moc.liamg|evargsaptsec#moc.liamg|evargsaptsec即可。moc.liamg|evargsaptsec#moc.liamg|evargsaptsec会在尽量短的时间里给你加入权限。得到权限后,登陆你的google calendar就发现你多了一本calendar然后你就可以修订战米日历了。先用自己的gmail账号登陆 http://www.google.com/calendar/ ,然后就可以看见这本日历了。注意向日历里添加的时候不要添在自己的私人日历里;而要添加在zhanmi这本日历里。添加生日要添加成每年循环的事件。